Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Wonderful Milestone

Greetings from Antigua!

Today was the first day we didn't leave our apartment compound. With the threat of rain all day, we stayed close to home. When it wasn't raining, we were outside swinging or playing soccer. When it was raining, we came inside and thought up some creative ideas. Here's something we did today:

I think the fine teachers at Children of The Woodlands would be pleased with this open-ended activity of building a city for all of Luis's cars. The kids went the extra mile by using egg cartons for mountains, toilet paper rolls for tunnels, and even included a zoo. This kept them busy for awhile!

Our Saturday night special is pizza and a movie. Tonight, we tried a new place, Papazito's, and the kids all agreed it was the best cheese pizza they'd tried here so far. It was Chris' turn to pick the movie, and he selected Veggie Tales Jonah.

The best part of the day was at the end. It brought tears to my eyes, tears of joy. Here's what happened: Luis said to Caroline, "I love you." At first, I thought he was just mimicking us, because of course, we say that all the time. But when I was putting Luis and Caroline to bed, he said, "I love you Caroline. I love you Christopher. I love todos mi familia!" and he flung his arms wide open for a hug. I realized he understood what he was saying, and it ended up with a giant hug with me and all three kids. Chris and Care were beaming, because it came unsolicited. It was just one of those moments when I felt like God was saying, "This is why you are where you are." Have a blessed night.


  1. Good Morning! I'm in tears, again. What a wonderful moment for the three of you to share with Luis. I can just picture the joy and excitement as you realized what he is saying. You are filling him with love and trust!!! Obviously you are doing one GREAT JOB! We love you.

  2. That is what it is all about! I was sitting next to Vick when he got your text......tears were in his eyes....I thought it was the gearing up for candlelight....he should me the text.....I believe that you are correct that God is showing you this was all worth the frustration, waiting, waiting, waiting. He has brought Luis home!!! Cant wait to meet him. By the way you are doing an awesome job of homeschooling..very creative! Linda would be proud!
    Blessings and Hugs

  3. Oh, Jenny, I'm crying happy tears, too. Those moments are so special. Although we've missed some firsts with our adopted kids, there are also some firsts that will be even more special--like this first "I love you" to his brother and sister. I'm so glad you're making the most of this time in Guatemala and I pray that each day is full of these moments of joy.

    Kathie Williams
