Monday, October 12, 2009

In The Zone

No, I'm not talking about Guatemala City's zones! :) It just seems like the last few days, we're getting "in the zone" together. Yesterday, we went to church, which felt like a normal thing to do for us. Today, we held school. We play a lot, we read a lot, we swing at the playset a lot. Luis gets more snuggly each day, and readily says, "I love you" to the rest of us. I feel as though God has already started to heal his wounded heart. What a blessing and priviledge it is to be one of God's vessels in this process.

Chris and Caroline are doing well, too, and normal sibling stuff is coming up more often. Stuff like "Why do I have more chores than Luis?" However, truth be told, Luis loves to be mommy's helper!

Tomorrow's lineup: School and grocery shopping. Sorry it's not very exciting! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. This couldn't be more exciting! You are becoming a family comfortable with each other. We are a very blessed family to have Luis. It makes me so happy to think of you in Guatemala having ordinary days with three children and not struggling with problems. I don't think we expected this so soon. We send you all our love...including Peaches.
