Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Enjoying Antigua

Good evening! Yesterday, we went to explore "the big red building" that we always pass on our way to the grocery store. We'd heard from a friend here that there was a small children's reading area. We entered the building, and realized we were in for a treat. It turns out the building had been a university several hundred years ago, when Antigua was ruled by Spain. Similar to lots of buildings here, major earthquakes had severely damaged it. Now, however, as a massive restoration project comes to an end, the building, courtyards, hallways, etc. are absolutely gorgeous. I love the architecture here. Anyways, a portion of the building is used as a museum of sorts, and right now it was featuring photography from Mexico, Guatemala, and many Central American and South American countries. It was fantastic!

Today, after our school time, we went for a walk. We stopped at a panaderia (bread shop) on our way to the library. The kids checked out some new reading material. Luis actually chose books in English. His ability to understand English is growing by leaps and bounds. This afternoon, I asked, "Where's my timer?" and he answered, "I don't know." So he either really doesn't know where my timer is, or he is just mimicking me....although I try really hard to figure out what he's saying (or at least say "Uh-huh!").....Thanks to Chris and Caroline, he knows "ice cream" and "cookie" and "pudding."

Unfortunately, it rained off and on for most of the afternoon. We postponed visiting a place with ruins til tomorrow. There are so many places here with ruins to explore that I can't remember all the names. We'll try to remember to bring the camera this time.

Thanks for all of your prayers on our adoption. Keep them coming! Have a blessed night!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning to you in Guatemala. It sounds so lovely in Anitgua! Enjoy your time as much as possible. We love and miss you.
