Friday, October 16, 2009

Living on the Edge

The edge of gastrointestinal issues, I suppose.

We went to the local fruit & veggie market yesterday. It's amazing, really: stall after stall of vendors selling their goods. There is other stuff for sale, but I mainly am interested in the produce. I couldn't believe what I could get for $5: 6 Bananas, Bag of apples, 2 lbs. of strawberries, 3 peppers, 4 onions, 2 cucumbers, and a baby watermelon!

So back to living on the edge. Strawberries have a bad reputation for causing issues for the tummy, but it's a favorite fruit for all three children. I wondered if there was a way to enjoy these. So I bought some and took them home. Here was the process of washing the berries:

First, I rinsed them in the sink and cleaned them with a sponge. Second, I soaked them in my fruit & veggie wash. Last, I rinsed them again. I concluded that they were probably now the safest berries in Central America. But to be on the safe side, I gave them to the kids and didn't eat them myself (we needed at least one healthy person, just in case!).

Well, all the work was worth it because Luis had a gigantic smile on his face. He loves, loves, loves strawberries!


  1. That is a lot of work, but this picture makes it well worth it. I hope no had a reaction. They look like great berries. Love,

  2. Quick update: We've enjoyed the berries immensely. They're all eaten now, and so far, no problems!!

  3. That is wonderful news. They look so yummy.
