Thursday, October 1, 2009

Getting into the Groove

Good evening! It was another day here in Antigua, Guatemala, where the coffee is first class and the view of the volcano is breathtaking. I will try to take a picture of it (the volcano, not the coffee) soon.

We got right back into the swing of things for school. We're making modifications for our new student, but I'm grateful for that!! Chris and Care are both reluctant but relieved to be learning again. (Shhhh! Don't tell them they were learning lots of stuff during the "Empathy Break"!) In fact, I noticed Chris had taken my multiplication fact cards in his room today.

After school and lunch, we headed back to La Bodegona for groceries. Luis must be growing, or has an extremely lucky metabolism, since he is eating constantly! I know he got three meals a day, plus snacks, plus treats, at Casa, but I guess he's never had such unrestricted access to a pantry (or at least in this apartment, a cupboard!) or to a refrigerator. Lots of fresh fruit and proteins are readily available for him.

It took almost half an hour to walk to the store, mainly because three children tend to slow me down. But we take a different route each time, so we're discovering more and more places here in Antigua. We got almost everything on my list, including the world's largest mango (until I realized it was actually a papaya), and headed out of the store. Since there is no A/C here, the store gets really warm. With our three full black Kroger bags, the kids and I flagged down a tuk tuk for a quick ride home. It is a really unique mode of transportation, and for 15Q, less than $2, we were home in about 5 minutes. The kids loved the ride, partly because it was bumpy (cobble stone roads) and partly because they are just tired of always walking! But they really are such troopers! I've included a picture of a tuk tuk, as well as a picture of the three kids in ours today.

We had about 5 hours to kill before dinner, and the kids were getting a little bored with the 4 toys we brought from home, so I had to get creative. Remembering how much Luis likes to look for "Goldbug" in his "Cars and Trucks and Things That Go" book, I asked Caroline to design a Goldbug on paper. She did, we cut it out, and took turns hiding Goldbug upstairs. Here are the happy hunters:

We had some rain this afternoon so I let the kids watch a DVD movie. Luis patiently watched "Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses" in English, and I thought it was funny when he laughed. Kudos to Chris for patiently watching it too. They will each have a turn picking out a movie, too, later this weekend. And I was happy for the chance to sit down and read a chapter in my current book.

Dinner was chicken and rice, because Luis likes chicken and rice, and then off to bed for the kids. I am grateful for the time I have at night to catch up on skype with Victor and sometimes even a dear friend. Looking forward to a new day tomorrow, full of opportunities! Have a great night!


  1. Hi JM. I never had a doubt that you would make the best of your Antigua schoolhouse apartment. Sounds like it will the most amazing, unique experience for the kiddos. Fettes Elementary rocks! Miss you.

  2. Good Morning, Jenny. Thanks for the start to my day. The blog goes well with my coffee to get me moving in the morniing. We made Mobile, Al last night. Should be in Florida tonight.

    Your creativity is impressivie, even I want to find "Goldbug". That is a happy looking threesome. I wanted to see a tuk tuk so thanks for including that picture.

    Victor has already wiped out my score on Bejeweled. the only time I had a chance was when he was too busy to play. You should have given him a MUCH larger honey-do list. He has no respect for his mother. he he

    We love you and are with you in heart.

  3. Ah, Goldbug, an old favorite!!! interesting for generations! The unsinkable Jenny Fettes, when there's a challenge, she not only rises to the occasion, she overcomes it!! Thanks for the pictures, I adore seeing so much of the kids, and the tuk-tuk was interesting. I'm glad that shopping seems pretty easy and safe. Let me know if and when you hear from the KPC connection. Go girl. You're doing a great job.

  4. I just finished catching up on your blog. I am highly impressed. You are amazing! I can not imagine homeschooling 3 kids with a bit of a language barrier in a foreign country while trying to have family bonding time and it is all working very well. You are my hero! :) Keep up the good work and know that we are thinking about you and praying for you. We miss you guys!

  5. I had to bring in my Dad for this blog. We had our own adventures in the tuk-tuks there on the cobblestone roads. My dad laughed and asked me to ask you if you felt like you were on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride when riding in them. It was fun and exciting! The guy we had took us from the main square to our hotel (Villa Coloniales) and our bottoms never really touched the seats! :-)
