Monday, November 30, 2009

A New Week

One thing I like about Mondays is that it means a new week and new opportunities. We are hoping and praying that our case moves forward this week with a signature from the CNA Director.

Unfortunately, Victor returned home to Texas yesterday. We miss him tremendously. The first day or two usually are "extra grace required" kind of days for the kids and I. This time, it was two days, but I think we're all back on the right track.

A common question I get is "How is Luis's English coming along?" Well, tonight at dinner, Luis said, "Rabbits poop in the grass." In my opinion, that's a complete sentence. So exciting. And so much a 5-year-old boy thing to say! Yes, his English vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, especially the sought-after "body function" lingo.

We got back into the swing of things for school, although our school day lasted twice as long as normal. A visit from the attorney, computer issues, and an "emergency" trip to the tienda for cell phone minutes contributed to a rather choppy school day. Oh well, I'm sure I'm not the first teacher to ever deal with interruptions.

Our exciting geography lesson, however, resulted from the response for our "global prayer team." We were able to plot locations in 14 states and 5 international countries. Pretty cool. Actually, pretty humbling. So many of you have interceded on our behalf to pray for our family and our adoption. We are so grateful!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, sounds to me like Luis is ready for the book we gave the kids "Who poops in the woods". Maybe you should ask Vic to bring it when he comes. His vocabulary will skyrocket. LOL. Sending our love
