Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good Morning from Guatemala!

It is great to be back with my family. I flew out yesterday and after an uneventful flight, I caught the shuttle to Antigua. I was the longest drive to Antigua I've ever had. Traffic in the city was worse than normal (although it is normally bad) and then when we got into the mountains, where traffic usually speeds up, we slowed even more. Apparently, there was a big accident in San Lucas (where we turn to go back down the mountain to Antigua). So it took about two hours to get to Antigua. It was well worth the wait, though. The kids made signs and had them in the windows and on the door, and I was greeted with big hugs and kisses.

We played outside on the swing and played a little soccer while Jenny unpacked to see what I brought. The kids were excited to have some extra toys and some new reading material. Caroline has already finished "The Missing Mummy" in the A to Z mystery series that I got from the library. Luis has looked through the Big Backyard magazine I bought him three times.

While Jenny ordered dinner from Pollo Campero and Telepizza (they are the same company so you can order both from the same place), I put on the video I made of our street and house. Luis relly ejoyed watching it, especially the parts with his bedroom and our dog Pongo. Then we ate dinner and watched an episode of Pokemon before it was time to start getting ready for bed.

Jenny is still working to get rid of a cough and I was tired so we went to bed right after the kids. Today we will go to church and visit the pharmacy to see if we can kill whatever bug she has picked up.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the message that you are safe, so sorryto hear the Jenny has been under the weather. This is out first chance to catch up on the Blog since leaving Florida with everything we own. We love you.
