Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dad's in the States again

Greetings from Antigua, where the volcano views are spectacular and the stop signs are a "friendly suggestion."

Sadly, Victor's visit came to an end Sunday morning. He made it safely home but the kids took a little while to bounce back. It rained most of Sunday and Monday, so we stayed close to home. Plus, Chris and Caroline were feeling a little under the weather themselves (too much Halloween goodies?).

I remember when Victor was in graduate school out of state. We'd visit with each other once every six weeks or so. He was at Millsaps for almost 2 years. I keep reminding myself that this time, we're seeing each other more often, and it's only for a few months, not years, plus, we have skype now and all the new technology. But to the kids, this separation is a new experience, so I try to remember what it felt like when my own dad had to go on military deployments for months at a time. Finally, when it came down to it, I just told Christopher, "Yes, I know, it just stinks!" That sums it up.

On a positive note, today we were all conversing on our way to the library about the things we like about Antigua that we don't have in Texas. They thought of the interesting plants we have here, the tuk-tuk rides, and a "cozy, little home." I'm not sure I'll miss our "quaint apartment" but there are certainly aspects of Antigua that are really neat and we truly will miss someday.

We had school today, as usual, and then of course, our library visit. This afternoon the sun has peeked through so we're spending a lot of time outside playing.

Please continue to pray for our adoption. Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated, it really means a lot. I'm glad he will be back so soon. The prayers continue.
