Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Good afternoon!

It's been a rather rainy week, so we've had more "indoor time" than usual. Fortunately, we're not anywhere near "Ida."

After school today, we walked to the Panaderia and visited with another adopting family who are looking for a place to stay here in Antigua. It was nice to visit with another American family, and my kiddos enjoyed their kiddos.

We opened up the new manipulatives that Vic brought in from Texas: Bristle Blocks. The kids were very excited! They all got to building right away. Here are the master builders:

A "Shout Out" to all the COW ladies today because I've been thoroughly enjoying the notes and encouragement. Thanks again, so much!!! The pretty cards and stationery also add some color to my desk area!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see all of them buildiing. Looks like Luis was having as much fun as Chris. Did they name the objects they are showing in the pictures? I can't believe you got them all to smile and no tongues out or eyes crossed! Amazing!!!
