Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What a Rollercoaster Day!

I could also have titled yesterday, "A Two Red Washcloth Day" - but we ended up on a high note.

Red washcloths are used at Children of The Woodlands for the occasional ow-ee. I would have needed two yesterday.

It started at 7:45 a.m., when Luis tripped on our concrete stairs, his teeth actually biting through his lip. Poor guy, he was in a lot of pain. I tried to stay calm and quickly remember emergency first aid. The bleeding was controlled within minutes, but his lip became pretty swollen. Thankfully, even in Guatemala, I could speak with Nurse Paula, and be sure how to continue his treatment. (I even had some of her stickers to give to my young patient!)

When the apartment cleaning lady arrived, we went outside. Luis wasn't up to a library visit, or much else, so we just watched Chris and Care play. Chris wanted to show me a trick he could do, jumping out of the tree. Just after I said, "I'm not sure that branch is going to support your weight.....", of course, the branch snapped and down he went. Fortunately, he was about to jump, he was feet first, but landed hard. He scraped his back on the branch that came down on him, thus, the need for a second washcloth in 4 hours.

It was at that point that I wished I'd packed bubble wrap (and two red washcloths!)

A few hours later, just as I was beginning to panic that the CNA would be out to "investigate," we learned that the CNA Director had signed our file! This is a very exciting step, especially when we had thought it might take 6 weeks (it was actually only 3 weeks). The CNA will then copy our file and prepare it for family court. Family court is the judicial side of the process, and eventually the judge will declare us to be Luis' parents. Family court has taken other families as little as 2 weeks to as much as 2-3 months, so please join us as we pray for favor with the court.

Today, Luis' lip is still pretty swollen, so we've had another low-key day. Christopher is totally fine again but won't be jumping out of trees anymore.

We are excited about my dear, sweet friend Rebecca arriving tomorrow! I'll be enjoying some "girl time" so please excuse me if I don't post again until Tuesday!!


  1. What a time. You deserve your girl time, enjoy every second with Rebecca. We send our dose of love to all of you.

  2. Ok, now I understand the drama of the lip infection! I hope Luis gets healed up soon. I so wish I was there with my two peeps. Promise me that you will write notes about everything you talk about and catch me up to speed. Hug each other for me.
