Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feliz Dia de Carino!!

That's Happy Valentine's Day, in Guatemala.

I wasn't sure how Guatemala celebrates Valentine's Day, so I had asked Victor to bring some Valentine's candy when he came to visit last month. Boy, was I glad he did. It's a big deal here! Antigua was very crowded today. The upper echelon of Guatemala descended on Antigua. Seriously, I saw so many Hummers, Suburbans and Mini-Coopers today that I thought for a second we were already back in The Woodlands.

For breakfast, I made blueberry muffins for the kids and sprinkled them with little candy confetti. We headed to church and lunch at McDonalds. The kids and I stopped at the little market on the way home and bought some knick-knacks. I am not sure how many more weekends we have in Antigua so I want to make sure we bought the keepsakes we would want for later.

Here is a picture of my three valentines, together, at the prettiest McDonald's in the world:

After we arrived back at the apartments, we relaxed together and just played. The next few weeks will get very busy so I am grateful we have been able to rest and have quiet time this weekend. The next steps will be to get Luis' birth certificate, passport, medical exam, VISA appointment, and finally, his VISA. It sounds easy, but in between these steps are translations, packing up the apartment, making flight & hotel arrangements, and trying to continue home school without too much distraction. Please continue to pray that all these steps would go off without a hitch. We are hoping to get home by mid-March.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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