Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Week....but more progress!

Good afternoon!

Just a quick blog to let you know our attorney was able to get our certifications from the court on Thursday, and we've submitted our request for a new birth certificate for Luis. We are praying that we can get it by Thursday, but we don't have a confirmation of that. Not having a confirmation on the birth certificate delivery is causing a logistical nightmare for me, a planner who wants to plan!! We are trying to time Victor's arrival so we can get Luis' passport as soon as possible, but we don't want Victor to spend time from work here in Guatemala just waiting for the birth certificate. Ugh! Please pray that we receive confirmation, and that the birth certificate will be ready by Thursday.

It does feel good to make progress and check it off our adoption list. We have been blessed with a lot of progress in the last three weeks. And as soon as we have Luis' passport, we will be done with the Guatemalan side of the adoption. We will then submit our documents to the Embassy and await our VISA appointment. So as you can see, our excitement is growing as flying to the United States is becoming more and more near.

The weather is still amazing, and Guatemala is still in the dry season. What a blessing that our time in Guatemala has been without much rain. Without a car, we've had to walk basically everywhere, and it is certainly convenient that we don't have to schedule our errands around the weather. Actually, my only weather-related thought is "I wonder if it will be warm enough for swimming on Wednesday?" All three kids love the pool and we've already been to the pool twice this month.

We're not sure exactly how much longer we'll be in Antigua (see first paragraph) so I am trying to cleverly use up the food items we have in the kitchen. Yesterday, I had a grilled cheese sandwich and soup, Chris had a "grilled cheese sandwich not grilled" (a Chris specialty), Care had leftover pizza and leftover chicken, and Luis had leftover pizza, a hard-boiled egg and ham roll-ups. I thought we did a great job making use of the little bit here, little bit there.

School is still moving along smoothly for all three kids. We've doing a unit in Language Arts - poetry - and poor Chris and I with our math-y brains are both struggling through it. We're all more excited about our Space unit in science. This week we did some fun stuff learning about the planets, and we're still debating whether we consider Pluto a planet or not. Poor little Pluto, getting demoted. Maybe a field trip to NASA when we get back to Texas will answer the question once and for all, and give us peace of mind about it!!

Hope you have a great weekend!!


  1. Great blog, as usual!!! Just what I needed today. Sending our love.

  2. So Excited for you and the family:) Sounds like things are clicking along...Finally! Cant wait to see the Fettes's back home :)

  3. Hi Jenny, I'm glad to hear that things are still moving along...I was worried when I saw that you were taking a FB break. Tell the kids we said hello. Blessings, Tina Fleetwood
