Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Adoption Day!!!

Today we heard the glorious news that the Guatemalan Family Court judge signed the approval of our adoption! Remarkably, our file was in family court for less than two weeks! Victor and I are thrilled to now be Luis' parents in the official legal way - although we believed Luis was our son from the moment we were selected by Casa Para Ninos - on August 9, 2007.

Luis and I will have smiles that won't come off for a long, long time. Here we are:

Same goes for Chris and Caroline. Boy, are they excited!!!

It's been a remarkable journey for our family so tonight we celebrate God's faithfulness and sovereignty. (Which by the way for us means ordering Domino's, watching a movie and staying up late)

Our minds are spinning as we consider the next steps and the new timeline. A return date to the USA won't be known for awhile (it depends on the US Embassy) but my mind is in full gear for leaving Guatemala. We are praying to be home by mid-March.

Keep praying that these last steps move quickly and that no additional obstacles get in the way. Thank you for your prayers!!


  1. Praise, God, Jenny! What awesome news! We'll pray that the process continues to move along and quickly so that you can bring your new son home to The Woodlands, Texas! Thanks for the updates! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting much brighter!

  2. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you hear the shouts of joy from the Coleman's??
