Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Major Disappointment

Yes, we had a "major disappointment" today. I'm not talking about how our case hasn't moved forward in almost a full month (darn these holidays!) and that we're still not in Family Court. Or how I went to RENAP today to try to get Luis' original birth certificate (needed by the US Embassy) and told to come back next Wednesday (is that "code" for requesting a bribe?)....

You Texans reading this will really feel our pain. So we went into a new place called "Deliciosa" and discovered it wasn't just a cafe - it was a gourmet (had imports) shop. The kids yelled "Ice Cream!" and I immediately recognized a Blue Bell freezer!!!!!!! My mouth immediately started to drool just thinking about my favorite flavor "Birthday Cake." When we got to the freezer case, alas!!!! It was full of meat!!!

So now my new game plan is on our first day home, get Luis settled and comfortable. Second day, drive to Brenham!!!!! Or, maybe one of my bestest friends will make sure my freezer has some Blue Bell in it for when we get home!! (Remember the hint on favorite flavor listed above, although I'd probably love any ice cream made with milk from a Texan cow!)

But seriously, please continue to pray for our adoption. The delay from the holidays IS really discouraging as we are all ready to be home.

Other than missing their friends, the kids are generally fine and healthy. They are spending WAY too much time on their Nintendo DS's playing their new games from Christmas. But isn't that what Christmas vacation is for??


  1. What a terrible crushing blow...meat in the Blue Bell ice cream freezer! ugh....

  2. Keep your chins up. We were in the final stages at the same time of the year with our son Jack who we adopted from Guatemala. Lots of government agency employees are out on holiday vacation. So that'll affect FC and some Embassy folks. We were home on Feb 1st 2006. Everything will get done as it should.

  3. you want to come home and I just want some jalepeno from deliciosa...and some Maya Ik hot sauce and an afternoon visiting with Pancho the owner of Deliciosa...his family owns the largest poinseteta farm in Guatemala...Oh and what I would give to eat Pumpkin stuffed ravioli from Casa Santo Domingo...and Las Palmas and Nickolos blue cheese soup...I could go on and on...Where are you living I lived in the Lions Inn Bed and Breakfast. I am so excited to have found your BLOG so I can RE LIVE fostering thru you...No at the time I never thought I would want to RE LIVE it...but now I realize it was one of the best times of my life

    Hugs Candy, Kya Blu, and Jagger Jett
