Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rebecca's Visit

My dear sweet friend, Rebecca, arrived on Thursday. We were so happy to see her! I was thrilled that she was finally able to meet her godson, Luis, after years of faithfully praying for him and the adoption!!

Luis was still feeling icky from the lip/mouth injury so we hung out close to home. It didn't take long, however, for Chris and Care to ask Rebecca to play soccer:

After awhile, Luis perked up (I ended up getting antibiotics for him) and he and Caroline just mauled her. She made it look fun:

We absolutely had to take Rebecca to Marco Polo for ice cream, although she and I enjoyed delicious iced coffee.

Here we are at one of Antigua's landmarks, the Arch. We'd had our picture taken by the Arch on our mission trip in 2005.

Rebecca and Luis frosted my birthday cake, and had a tremendously good time getting a little messy. Luis was falling in love with his "Miss Rebecca."

My birthday was wonderful - my first birthday with all three of my children!!!!

Luis and Rebecca:

It was AWESOME to be silly with BFF Rebecca!

Thank you, Rebecca, for coming to visit us!!! I can't wait to see you in the USA!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved seeing these and knowing that you had time together. You all look so happy.
